Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Life this week!

Yay! Another post! 

Unfortunately since I am not accustomed to actually cranking these out back to back, I have nothing to talk about. 

Oh! Caleb is 6 months today! 

Bittersweet. He is an absolute wild man (I have nicknamed him Tarzan) and I wouldn't have it any other way. He is such a joy. He makes our heart sing. And he is just too stinkin' cute! Here's a video from him cruisin' in his Kolcraft earlier today.

Other than that, things are going. Our cousin, Donya sent us the most beautiful offering baskets that she made...see!

She's pretty much the queen of basket making which makes her famous and us cool by default. 
Church is going well. We are grateful for how smooth things have been going. Our most immediate goal, which I assume is the goal of most new church planters is getting people in the doors! We hoped for and anticipated a larger attendance but are grateful for those who are coming and for all of the positive feedback we are getting. Island life is different from anywhere else so you can't really anticipate things...even when you have spent your life on one. People are random and unpredictable, which is cool but a challenge nonetheless. The people that are coming to Church 360 are sincerely being impacted though...now just to get more people IMPACTED! We are looking into doing a College Movie Night soon as our main target audience are people 18-35. Prayers for that please!

Oh, and can I just share how AWESOME God is?! Through this entire Saipan process (not to mention the church planting) we have had to trust on God more than we ever have. It has at times been a relentless, challenging test of faith but glorious nonetheless. When we made the decision to come to Saipan, we both felt a peace, knowing this was where we were supposed to be for this season of our lives but we couldn't have imagined all that God had in store. He has molded us, changed us. I can't help but think of Psalm 66:10 "You have tested us, O God; you have purified us like silver."

God's word is true and He is faithful.

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