Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our New Life


So obviously, I had the baby. Lol! Actually, today is his one month "birthday". Caleb Wesley Wood was born Wednesday, September 27th at 4:40pm. He is absolutely precious and now we can't picture life without him. See?

I don't really know where to begin with the updates but life is wild and wonderful. We are still in Saipan enjoying our time here. We have been so blessed by this experience. We have grown in ways we couldn't have imagined. If we could, we would probably sell our house and everything in it back in the states. We just aren't in the same place mentally and spiritually...and we have way too much stuff.

I will keep this short and sweet since Caleb will be waking up any second now.

Peace and Blessings!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just a waitin'

I am sitting here...literally waiting on our sweet baby to get here. Why literally? Because I can't do much else. Sleeping is a thing of the past, eating usually leads to a stomach ache, and walking just increases the size of my elephant feet! Still, it is so worth it. Aaron and I are so excited to meet our baby we could just scream. Thinking back to just a few weeks ago, I wondered if and how everything would come together. There were so many things that needed to fall together. But God is so good and now I have the privilege to simply relax (kinda) and wait for our baby instead of running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Having our baby in Saipan has probably saved us thousands for the pure fact that we are doing with only the necessities. There is no elaborate nursery, gadgets, or gizmos...just me, Aaron, and our soon to be munkin. And it couldn't be any better.

Here are a few pics from our maternity shoot last Tuesday.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Life As We Know It

In just a few short weeks, our baby boy will be in our arms. This is such an exciting time in our lives...I don't think I can fully grasp it. In recent weeks, Aaron has taken on a new level of excitement. It is such a blessing to watch him get excited as new baby items arrive in the mail and he imagines our little one taking advantage of the items. It is fun to day dream with him. I am grateful to have him by my side during this process. This pregnancy, much less labor/delivery, and then caring for our son would have been insane without him. We are feeling really blessed. And though these last few weeks have been filled with physical discomfort and all sorts of craziness that comes with being pregnant on an island in the middle of nowhere, these are the days I think we will look back on as old people and smile.

Life on Saipan is like nothing else. It has definitely had it's ups and downs as we adjusted but it has become one of the(if not the) sweetest times in our marriage. We are privileged to spend most of our days together. We have learned to rejoice in the little things. We have grown spiritually in ways I didn't know were possible considering our briefness here thus far. We have a better grip of where our marriage and soon to be little family is headed and our purpose. And we even love our teeny tiny room that we live in. It's all very surreal. I look back on when I first heard about this opportunity in Saipan and this is indeed not what I expected it to be but it is exactly as God wants it...and it is beautiful. We have been humbled and changed in the most beautiful of ways.

Saipan is in need of a church...a fresh church that offers something...different. This island is in need of a revival. The island, to be frank, seems to be dying spiritually and the youth particularly are in desperate need of a message that they can understand. We feel like we have a role in making a difference in God's Kingdom here on Saipan and are really trying to understand what that role means. Be praying for us on that.

Something random and funny...some of you may know that I braid hair. I've been doing it for ages now and even went ahead and got my license a few years back to make it official. Well, the women on the island are intrigued to say that least. The are awestruck at the fact that I braid my own hair and the small population of African American women here are basically forming a line for my services. It is hilarious! Before my arrival to Saipan, women have literally been paying airfare to travel and get their hair braided with extensions. That is insane to me. And the local women in the island are amazed. To them it is this kind of old world luxurious beauty; something elaborate....and expensive. So to them all (American and native women)...me being here is miraculous. It's amazing how little gifts can be such a huge deal to someone else.

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Sweet Cameron

I found out two days ago that my cousin, Cameron Xavier Dansby had been killed. He was only 23. It breaks my heart. This is the cousin I grew up with. He lived in the same home with me when we were in elementary school and then again for a while in high school. We took dance class together as little children...he was so skinny and cute. As we grew into young adults, he took a different route, a route I wouldn't have chosen for him...but he was finding his way. And all too quickly, he was snatched from the earth a few short months after welcoming his son (who looks like his twin) into the world.

I cannot explain why this happened. Why he wasn't one who lost his way...then found it. Why he will never get that chance. I just can't say. But I find relief that I don't have all the answers. I thank God that I don't have to carry the weight and burden of knowing it all because as heavy as I have been feeling in these last few weeks of pregnancy, I am still far too small to carry that significant task. I do know that 5 years ago, Cameron and I sat in his mother's living room in the very early hours of the morning. I took his hand and I prayed for him. We recited the sinner's prayer. I have to find peace in that. I remember opening my eyes in the middle of the prayer seeing this young man across from me who literally seemed to radiate light in those few moments. I remember thinking "God is here". I couldn't help but see that little boy that I played cars with as a little girl, the little boy that weighed 50 lbs with the head of a basketball. The little boy that I called "My little Keebler Elf" because he had a round head with little pointy ears that kinda stuck out as a toddler.The young man I used to goof off with and jokingly freestyle battled with. I loved him so much. And it hurts to think I won't get to see him anymore and hear his silly jokes...not here on earth. I think I will even miss his occasional temper flare ups now...because love it or hate it, that was Cam. It hurts that people can be so unkind that they would take him from the earth so cruelly. It's not right but I trust God.

I trust God. And I will miss my little cousin but I will not spend life mourning him. I have far too many precious moments to hold onto for that.

I love you sweet Cam and trust that this is not the end.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life in Saipan

These last few weeks have been insane...like something out of a movie. I can't even begin to explain everything so I won't try. I will say that we have grown tremendously and been changed by our move to Saipan. We have been deeply saturated in a cultural experience like none other, we have gotten to spend more time together in the last few weeks than we have in any other 4 weeks in our marriage. That has been a blessing. But things are different and there are things that we have to adjust to and things that we have to decide if we can adjust to. It's all very intense.

As far as baby, he is moving like never before. It reminds me of that game where those groundhound things pop out of holes all over and then going disappear. I have lumps appearing and disappearing all over my belly. It's pretty funny! I can't believe I am nearing 33 weeks. That is so insane to me. I have been looking forward to this moment since I was a little girl and here it is just weeks away! I have to say that as the time draws near it is bittersweet to imagine family and friends not here to celebrate with us. Particularly our mothers and sisters being here to greet our sweet munchkin as he is just minutes new into the world. That is hard. But God is good and we continue to hold on to the fact that we are here for a purpose.

Overall this is truly a season of patience, obedience, and spiritual growth. Though there are difficult moments I believe Aaron and I have realized that we are both stronger and more resilent then we thought. We have also grown closer to one another through this process. And we have been able to spend these last few weeks of my pregnancy together, making decisions and enjoying each other's company. I can't say that this would be the case in the states and for that I am forever grateful.

Enough for today. I will be back soon. Honest :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Big Changes!

I'm just going to pretend that I have not majorly failed at blogging for the entire month of July. I have actually been dreading writing this blog entry because so much has changed in a matter of a few weeks that I feared I would be writing the world's longest blog entry. But I will try to be brief.

In the world of pregnancy: I am HUGE! Bending has become a commodity along with a normal ankle size. But I am so very grateful to be this far along. I remember being in the first trimester things 30 weeks seemed years away. And here I am, closing in on 31! God is good and we could not be more excited to welcome our sweet baby boy. He has been moving and kicking and it is just so precious to be able to create life. I am completely grateful. As I fold his little clothes I get teary thinking of a little body fitting in these cute outfits one day soon.

In the world of our life in general, we moved! No...not down the street. That would be far too convenient. Instead, we moved across the world to a small gorgeous island called Saipan. It is a U.S. Territory that no one has heard of and it is pretty incredible. See the pictures?!

But rewinding a bit...how did this come to be?!?! I actually heard about it from my now previous boss. He is helping to start a golf school here in Saipan and mentioned that they were looking for a young Christian couple to stay in the dorms and serve as houseparents to the kids. That's us! So it's really that easy. We prayed about it, communicated back and forth with the individuals heading the program up in Saipan and about 5 weeks later we were on a 18 trek to Saipan from good ol' Houston, TX. And here we are. The opportunity is very exciting though it has turned into something a bit different from what we originally thought. There are no children here yet and most likely won't be until September or October at the very earliest. So our focus has been preparing for them, marketing, and getting the basics taken care of. I think it works out pretty well as it has given us time to get acquainted with things here. The island is lovely and the people are most hospitable. It's great place to raise a family. The only unfortunate thing is that the island is really struggling economically. It largely depended on the garment industry up until a few years ago but was completely shut down by the US government due to wage issues. That could be another blog entirely but everyone has their own opinions. Either way, it is sad to see businesess abandoned or struggling, people living in poverty trying to make it day to day.

Before I left Houston, we had a lovely baby shower/going away party. See?!

There had to have been a good 60 people there. It was great...and sad to see so many of the people we love gathered in one place to acknowledge the pending birth of our sweet baby, but also our departure. These past weeks have been very emotional for us. We are excited because we truly feel God placed us here and that he orchestrated everything so beautifully so that we could be here. But it is hard nonetheless. We miss our families and some of the luxuries we took for granted in the states. But we are humbled as well...in a very healthy and spiritually awakening kind of way.

In sad news, we have to find another home for our puppy, Lilah. My mom moved into our house which has been great but I think Lilah is a bit much for her. So we are going to find her a good home with the help of my friend Katt and her husband. It is so hard to think of her as gone. She quickly became a part of our family and even though she chewed up a huge part of our home, we loved her. But we have to trust that this too is happening for a reason and that it will be best for our loving pup. She came into our life for a reason. It makes me cry to type this...so let's move on.

So that is that...quite the post full. There is so much more to say and write but I will save it for another entry, hopefully in the not too distant future. Thank you all for reading...for caring about our lives. We are excited to share with you our adventures in Saipan as well as our soon to be adventures in Parentland. This is sure to be an action packed blog in the coming months!

Until next time!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

24/25 Weeks

I wrote a 24 week post and I just realized that it is not here! So now I have been forced to combine two weeks...again.

Recap...the last few weeks have been insane. Lilah was sick...now she's better (or at least getting there). There was a lot more in the vanishing post but I can't remember. :(

I can't believe tomorrow will make 26 weeks! I remember being in the first trimester thinking thirs trimester was decades away. Now it's practically here and I am unprepared! We finally picked out nursery furniture but other than that...we have done nothing!

There may be some pretty insane news coming up but I am going to hold off until it is final.

Other than that, I guess I've got nothing to say. Hmmmm, that's a first.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

22/23 Weeks

Don't judge me!

I know I am way behind but life happens. I'm trying to think of something of importance to type but I'm really coming up with nothing.

Oh! We got a new doggie! Her name is Lilah. We got here from the Humane Society and it has been an adventure ever since. She has been to the vet about 4 times since we picked her up May 27th because she ripped the stitches out of her leg (from having her dew claws removed) which we think caused her 105 fever! In addition, we are hoping that she simply has kennel cough and not distemper because she has an interesting little cough which we have been giving her medicine for. Lord, please don't let her infect Seven! He just had bladder surgery 2 weeks ago...we could really use a break! Lilah is a real sweetheart though. She is a German Shepherd mix and although she has torn up quite a few things around here now, she is extremely loving and very obviously happy to have a home. Her and Seven are cute to watch and Seven is MOSTLY happy to have her around.

I had a Dr.'s appt this morning. All seems well. I have been having this delightfully intense pain near my side which my Dr. believe is my gall bladder. She advised me to make note of what I was doing, or eating when the pain flared up and then to avoid doing it. Super... On a more pleasant note, I have only gained 12 lbs this pregnancy so woohoo!!!

We should be wrapping up baby furniture shopping today. We just started it yesterday officially but I have quickly discovered that with all the options out there, it's a good idea to just pick one and move on with our lives.

So that's that! Here's a picture of our sweet Lilah and I will try to get a picture of me up soon as well!

'Til next time...

Friday, May 20, 2011

21 Weeks and Life This Week!

We'll keep this fairly brief. As far as baby news, there isn't much. I will say that I have been feeling our little one moving around quite a bit this week, and a lot today inparticular. Everyone can officially tell I'm pregnant (for a few weeks not) pretty much no matter how loose my clothes are at this point. This is comforting mainly because for a while random people looked at my belly trying to figure out what was going on. So that's nice. Heartburn on the other hand is not :(

On Monday, I won home owners associate president. I am so excited and can't tell you how hard I worked for this and how many neighbors' doors I knocked on. There are so many things I want to implement...and have already started to implement. Anyone who knows me knows this is right up my alley.

Coincidently, someone broke into our house yesterday. So that was fun! They stole our lovely flatscreen TV which was not cool but we are feeling very blessed because it could've been so much worse. A neighbor actually caught them in the act because the genuises decided to drive a car and park it right in our driveway. Funny enough, I had just filled out the paperwork to get neighborhood watch going in our neighborhood so now that it a top priority. It makes me sad more than anything that some people think it is okay to take what someone else worked for. It's scary even. Something really funny is that we had been watching way too much Criminal Minds on our TV that no longer lives here so we entered out home yesterday as if it was our own personal crime investigation...assessing glass placement and analyzing random strands of hair and footprints left in the carpet. That part was actually pretty entertaining.

On a happier note, our State of the Marriage event went beautifully. It was our first attempt at it and it surpassed both of our expectations. I am so grateful for my wonderful and loving husband, our moments of immense growth towards God and one another, and the precious memories we get to create together.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

20 Weeks!

So that's me at 20 weeks. I am sooooooo excited and thankful to be at the halfway point. We can't help but get more excited each day! This post will most likely be short because outside of being halfway through the pregnancy, not a lot happened.

I did decide to have a maternity shopping party. Most don't know what this is because...I made it up. Essentially, you buy gently used maternity items in your pregnant guests' sizes and then you have a party and let them shop. Pretty easy, huh. And of course food, fun, and fellowship are involved in this event. But I'm excited. It's gonna be pretty cool I think.

Today after church, Aaron and I are going to have our first "State of the Marriage". What is that you ask?! Well it's pretty similar to the State of the Union, State of the Club, or and other State of the... You discuss the where you've been, where you are, where you're going. I'm pretty excited. I heard about this concept a few weeks ago and knew it was something we should do. We will be discussing baby stuff, what values we will hold fast to as a family, finances, our upcoming Babymoon trip, and immediate priorities. There's a few other things tossed in there but you get the general idea.

Well, that's enough for now! Talk to ya soon! Oh...and check out my new blog Glorious Entertainment ( http://www.gloriousentertainment.blogspot.com )

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

19 Weeks

Well tomorrow I will officially be at the halfway point of my pregnancy...20 weeks! This past week was pretty baby-full! Last Monday, I had an anatomy scan which basically checks to make sure the baby is progressing "normally". We got more ultrasound pics and our little boy was going wild. He is absolutely precious with his little round head! We adore him already! Thursday we found out the results of the anatomy scan which went great. Everything appears to be progressing normally, an answered prayer. I often feel his precious little baby kicks. I love this kid! I attempted to take my first stab at nursery shopping. UNSUCCESSFUL! Really...how many cribs can one place have?!?!

San Diego was fantastic! I had so much stinkin' fun! My mother and I stayed with my Aunt Sandy which was such a blast. I hadn't seen my aunt since I was a little girl and it was wonderful getting to visit with her! She is so much like my mom...it's pretty much a nonstop comedy show. My friend Domashaa and I are more alike than I even remember. It's interesting how even though we hadn't spoken in about 5 years and seen each other in even longer, we are even more similar and closer than before. But we have our differences too...things that make our friendship exciting and allow opportunity for growth for each of us by rubbing off on the other. God is good like that. Anyways, I love her and I can't say how glad I am to have her.

My mother and mother-in-law came over for Mother's Day and we cooked them up a nice lunch which was attended by our two sisters. Then Aaron and I went over and swam at our sisters new place. I can't really consider what I did swimming but it was great to flap around in the water and spend time with my sissy.

Other than that things are pretty much the same around here. I am going to try to get back on track with this blog so a 20 week post should follow shortly.

'Til then...

Peace & Blessings!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

17/18 Weeks and Life this Week!

**I am not fond of this picture at all but I am trying to be a good sport so that my baby boy can look back years from now and laugh at his pregnant mom**

Why can't I keep up with this blog thing?!?!?!

Well once again I am combining two weeks.

Anyways, in more exciting new: it's a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are so stinkin' excited! To see the excitement on Aaron's face when we found out just sent me soaring. It makes me so happy to see him so happy. He has been absolutely wonderful! We ended up going to an ultrasound place to find out because the day before our doctors appt., they call and tell us they need to reschedule for a later time. That was not a good day. So I just looked up a really cute ultrasound place called Precious Glance in the Heights and took my little self on over there. Aaron, my mother and law, and sister in law, Sarah came too. It was beautiful having them there.

The baby's anatomy scan is next Monday so that's scary and exciting. We get to see our little munkin again soon. We are praying with all we have that our sweet little baby is healthy and thriving. I have been feeling so weird this week...so pregnant I guess. There is definately movement going on from our little man but I have about 3 other kinds of things going on in my belly so it all gets kinda confusing at this point.

I am going to San Diego this Friday! I can't wait to see my dear, Doma Doma. From the first hour we met at good ol' Jacksonville University as goofy freshman, I think we felt connected. She is my sister...put simply. I absolutely love her and have missed her so much in the past years that we have been disconnected. But it's wonderful that we can just pick back up where we left off; I think our hearts have stayed connected. That's me being mushy, sentimental, and all pregnant-emotional but I think it's gonna be a great trip!

I started a Dee Brestin bible study on Ecclesiastes this week and it is goooooooood! I'm only on my third day and already I have grown and been trasnformed by what I have learned. God's word is absolutely divine and I love those intense moments of clarity I have during a good study.

I am running for my Home Owner's Association Board. I haven't even been elected and already I see changes happening. I have kinda been kicking the Association's boo-tay because they have been dragging their feet on even getting the Association meeting scheduled. I have had to stay on them which I hate being "the annoying homeowner" but I see so much more for our cute little neighborhood. It just takes people with a heart for community.

Whoa, long post alert! Sorry about that! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

16 Weeks and Life this Week!

So in just a few short days, we will know if we are having a boy or girl. I am so excited! Either way...we are so grateful! I will update you all when we find out details! This is all a bit surreal. A baby...life. And pretty AMAZING. God is so good. Other than that, nothing really new. I think I might be feeling movement...but it could be gas pockets. Who knows? :)
As far as life, this past weekend was kinda eventful. I found a location that I may rent for photography. That's a pretty big deal. Over the years, I have found that my photography love lies greatly in portraiture so a location with high foot traffic would be a pretty big deal. We are still deciding on it though...praying on it is probably a better word. But things have been falling into place so effortlessly that it truly seems like the workings of God hands. I will keep you posted on that as well.
Of course Easter is this weekend but other than church, we don't have much planned. I think I am cooking Easter dinner for a few family members...uhhhhh, should I be...like...preparing for that?
And I think we are having a garage sale Saturday. We have been stacking things in the entry room of our house for weeks to sale so I think that is happening this week.
Other than that...I got nothing.
Talk to ya soon!

Friday, April 8, 2011

15 Weeks and Life this Week

Today we had a Dr. appt. It was pretty uneventful besides hearing the heartbeat, which although we hear it at all home all the time was pretty cool at the dr. because her doppler is

better so the heartbeat was louder and stronger. Then we packed our lunch and headed to the Houston Zoo (picture above)! It was so much fun! We haven't been since we were dating and it was such a treat! Aaron turns into a little boys around eagles, large cats, and anything with massive horns I discovered. It was fun to watch him and fun to think that the next time we go, I will probably be pushing a stroller :). While we were there, I got a call from the Dr. to schedule our BIG ultrasound where we find out the gender and all that jazz! April 21st, hurry up! I was excited to find out that we get to do it at her office rather than at the hospital with a US tech because they don't really go over details with you and I know my Dr. will since she will be right there. So 2 weeks isn't a bad wait for that.

Tomorrow is a Pink and Chocolate Chick Night at our new church. I am doing a photography booth there so that should be fun! I really like our new church and since my last entry, I spoke with the pastor's wife (on the phone). At first, I didn't know who I was speaking with so it was exciting to know it was her because I wanted to ask her a few questions. We got to talking and it was great. She had the opportunity to stay at home with her children and she talked about what a blessing it had been for her family. She mentioned sacrifices that they had to make but said it was worth it. I pray with all I have that I am able to stay at home in a few short months when our little one makes their debut. It's been my heart since I was a little girl.

Whoa, I think I am going off on a tangent and I really like to avoid long posts.

Thanks for stopping by. Here's a pic of me today by myself (with belly). I must say this picture does not do the largeness that it becoming my belly justice.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

13/14 Weeks and Life this Week

So I am actually just at 14 weeks today but since I haven't done my 13 week post, I'm doing that first. No new happenings really. I thought I felt little flutters but I haven't felt them in days so I can't confirm that :/. My next appt is next Thursday. Oh, how I am hoping for an ultrasound! We haven't seen our little one since he/she was like 6 weeks and then he/she just looked like a little bean! I'd really like to see something resembling a baby! Please and thank you. This week has been fairly eventful in our lives outside of baby world. Sunday, my freshman year college roommate, that I have been looking for since I left the school (1 semester after I started attending...smh) emailed me out of the blue. I was ecstatic to say the least. I have loved her since the day I met her. We were instant sisters for life. Well we lost touch and just recently I had given up my slightly stalker-like (just kidding) search. And then bam! She emailed me after finally getting Facebook and tracking me down there. That night we talked for about an hour and a half and it was great catching up! I am scheduled to go visit her in May because she just so happens to live in San Diego by an aunt that I haven't seen in ages. This is gonna be a fun trip! Aaron got a promotion this week at his job. Last week I told you he had this thing-ma-bob to go to. Well he went and it turned out super and now he received a promotion. I am so excited!!!! What a blessing. God is so good to us. I can't even explain it but I'm complaining! So that's that for this week. More to come soon!

Monday, March 21, 2011

12 Weeks and Life this Week!

So here I am. 12 week belly and all. It feels great mentally and physically to be nearing the end of first trimester. I will not miss it.
I had no intentions of making any baby purchases this soon but a neighbor of mine had a garage sale and there was a bassinet that I could not resist. I will post a picture...eventually.
A few weeks ago, a neighbor of mine was having a garage sale (I live in a garage sale havin' neighborhood). I couldn't help but notice how lovely her garage was (weird I know). Come to find out, it had been converted to her sewing room. I was smitten. Immediately I asked if she offered lessons and the rest is history. Today was my first lesson and it was fantastic. I am kind of at an odd place in my sewing life because I have sewn before but I skipped the basics (and have now forgotten the rest). So I am kinda starting from the beginning...but not really. The lady was great and we had a great time talking along the way. We had conversations about life, Jesus, being a wife, the neighborhood, me being pregnant, and of course sewing. It was a great time. Next week, I start on my first real project which will be a cute little sundress that I picked out from patterns today. I am excited to pick out the fabric and get started!
Aaron has a big test-ma-bob this week for his job. If all goes well it will lead to a promotion and of course that would be FANTASTIC! He is a wonderful husband and an incredible provider and I am truly blessed to have such a hardworking man. He excels at every job he has had and is truly an asset to any place he works. Thank you Lord for blessing me!
And finally...some fantastic news (for me at least)! Anyone who knows me well know that I love The Duggar Family (from 19 Kids and Counting on TLC). I am fascinated with this family and just absolutely adore them. The thought of 19 kids makes my hair nap up a bit but it is so impressive to watch. Anyways, Aaron and I decided not to have cable when we moved into our new house. For the most part it has been great...but I have missed my Duggars! And I have scoured the internet looking for a way to watch the show online. No luck (unless I wanted to pay $1.99 per episode on iTunes or Amazon)! Well, after a loooooooong time and MUCH determination, I have won!!!!! I found a site that allows me to earn Amazon.com credit by doing free trials for various companies. Overnight, I earned enough credit to catch up completely on Season 7 (with enough remaining credit to finish the season up)! I know some of you are thinking,"Really? She felt the need to include this in her blog?" Yep, I did 'cuz I am stoked! Life just got a little sweeter.
Well that's enough for now. I am sleepy and my neck hurts from spening 3 hours braiding my hair! So I am outty. Thanks for reading my rambling!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

11 Weeks and Updates!

So tomorrow will make 12 weeks for baby in belly but I haven't even written my 11 week post...slacker! My belly is becoming more of a bump so a picture will likely accompany my next post. All is well. A baby highlight of this past week was that sister, Sarah got to hear baby's heartbeat. She was so excited...love her! I also picked up a few maternity clothes at this thrift store outlet for 75 cents an item...SCORE! That was a lovely day.

Aaron's party went well. I got him a nice basketball and this special brush and soap combo for car washing. It sounds simple but it was heartfelt and he was stoked. So stoked in fact, that he immediately tried out the basketball and then washed the car...hours before the party. The party featured scrumptious burgers, chili dogs, chips, dirty rice, banana pudding, and quite possibly the largest 6 layer birthday chocolate cake known to man (courtesy of my mother, Chef Jocelyn). Aaron was quite the happy camper. Aaron's dad and his wife stayed with us Sunday and we had a great time. His dad barbecued and Sarah and her boyfriend came over and a great time was had by all. I love Aaron's family and am so blessed to be apart of it.

I think we found a church...finally. This has been the longest process and I will probably elaborate in another post to spare you having to scroll down for another 10 minutes but praise be to God because this has been a true challenge. I am excited and nervous as we take our church home and our service there very seriously so this is a big breakthrough.

Nothing extra exciting is happening this week so I guess until next time...

Peace & Blessings!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dr. Appt and Life This Week

Today I had a Dr. appt. I wasn't really sure what to expect and apparently there wasn't much to expect! All we really did was listen to the heartbeat on the doppler. But even though I have a doppler at home, this ended up being and eventful appt. Why? Because come to find out, all this time, I had been listening to my own stinkin' heartbeat! Silly Kayla! But it's not my fault entirely, I was led astray. Our Baby's heartbeat should be somewhere between 120 and 180. Well, my machine was reading around 135 so I thought, "Great...I must be hearing the baby's heartbeat." WRONG! Apparently home dopplers can have a tendency to double the woman's heartbeat. So I was just listening to myself :( Thankfully we did find baby's actual heartbeat in the doctor's office and I doubt I will ever mistake my own heartbeat for baby's because baby's was considerably faster. So it what a productive morning and a precious moment listening to our "sweet mun-kin wood".
Hmmmmm what else is going on in the Wood home? Well Aaron treated me to a wonderful pedicure this morning. He didn't do it himself (or I couldn't call it lovely...lol) he just recommended I go. But it wasn't a real loving, "Hey hon, go treat yourself to a pedicure." It was more of him glancing down out my feet, making a face, and then saying, "Please go get a pedicure." Either way, I'll take it how I can get it! It was great and my feet look less like ancient artifacts. And I found a new show that I like while sitting in the chair...The Nate Berkus show!
This week is Aaron's birthday. He's going to be a whopping 25! Yucky! Lol...but seriously when did we get so old? Yes I know that is not "old" but when you marry your high school sweetheart and he turns 25, it's kinda confusing considering I clearly remember looking over his report card in the high school hallways. I would tell you what we are doing for his birthday but frankly I don't know. I am usually considerably better about this but he pretended that he didn't want a party up until last week. I should've known.
So that's it for now! I'll check back in soon!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

10 Weeks!

So there wasn't too much excitement in the Wood home this week. Monday I did get my at home doppler in the mail. I was geeked! For those who don't know, the doppler allows you to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was so precious! The first reading was right around 135. Technology has helped ease my mind a bit!

Other than that, I don't have much news. I do have a Dr. appt on Monday so there should be an update following shortly after that. And I do believe I am going to start taking belly pictures in the 11th week because I am starting to look "rounder".

Aaron and I are trying a new church this Sunday. I am ecstatic! We have tried one other church before this one and although a wonderful place, it wasn't the place for us. Aaron and I have been very blessed in the past to be able to walk into a church and just know if it was it for us. We would both have a peace about it and that was that. The church we are trying tomorrow I already have a great peace about it. Even before we were looking for a church (when we were still attending our last church), I remember passing by this "new" church and getting a wonderful feeling from it. And I have now talked to several of the awesome staff, listened to sermons, gotten a newsletter from them, and even tentatively plan on attending their ladies bible study (it's a Priscilla Shirer study...I had to!). So although we have yet to walk into the place...I am already soooo excited. I just feel it! I am excited to find a church home and so ready to get plugged in. For some reason, this has been such a loooooong time coming for us. Dear God, please let this be it!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Our 1st Entry & A Surprise!

I (Kayla) am no good with keeping up with this kind of stuff. I was the girl with 14 or so diaries growing up; one for each year I could write...each containing 4 or so entries for the entire year. Needless to say, this is my feeble attempt to turn over a new leaf. My sincere hope is that this blog will be overflowing with up to date, relevant, fresh information and insights into our little family.

We shall see...

So I guess I will start with a little background information on us. My wonderful husband, Aaron and I have been married just a few months over 4 years. We were engaged at the tender age of 19 and making just enough to have the occasional burger date once a week...or so. On November 18th, 2006, when we were 20, we were married at a lovely country club, an angelic occurrence and the first of countless miracles in our married relationship. It was simple, elegant, and quaint...nothing like what I anticipated my wedding would be. It was a 9 am ceremony with a brunch reception, followed by "Goodbye, we have to be at our ship in 2 hours for our honeymoon!" Nevertheless it was perfect and a true reflection of the love us two young lovebird shared. We honeymooned on a fantastic Princess cruise ship and with that, we began new life.

Awwww, weren't we so precious...and 40 lbs lighter. :(

To make a long story short, the first year was less that ideal and involved the death of my beloved grandmother, relocation to another city, (re)starting school, living in a house that is probably now condemned (which we had to leave due to a mold infestation), and a career path change. It was rough to say the least but these last 4 years have been so much more than I could hope for. It has been a real blessing and honor to share my life with such a wonderful and loving man and I look more and more forward to the days ahead each day I wake up to a fresh day.

We are blessed immensely.

So my posts will never be this long but I figured I should have a decent intro for those who stumble upon this "world in a web of mine".

And now without further ado. THE SURPRISE!

WE ARE EXPECTING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Expecting what?! A baby silly...see?

We are excited beyond measure and pray daily that God will bless this pregnancy and our baby on the way. We hope that you will stick around to enjoy the journey with us!