Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life in Saipan

These last few weeks have been insane...like something out of a movie. I can't even begin to explain everything so I won't try. I will say that we have grown tremendously and been changed by our move to Saipan. We have been deeply saturated in a cultural experience like none other, we have gotten to spend more time together in the last few weeks than we have in any other 4 weeks in our marriage. That has been a blessing. But things are different and there are things that we have to adjust to and things that we have to decide if we can adjust to. It's all very intense.

As far as baby, he is moving like never before. It reminds me of that game where those groundhound things pop out of holes all over and then going disappear. I have lumps appearing and disappearing all over my belly. It's pretty funny! I can't believe I am nearing 33 weeks. That is so insane to me. I have been looking forward to this moment since I was a little girl and here it is just weeks away! I have to say that as the time draws near it is bittersweet to imagine family and friends not here to celebrate with us. Particularly our mothers and sisters being here to greet our sweet munchkin as he is just minutes new into the world. That is hard. But God is good and we continue to hold on to the fact that we are here for a purpose.

Overall this is truly a season of patience, obedience, and spiritual growth. Though there are difficult moments I believe Aaron and I have realized that we are both stronger and more resilent then we thought. We have also grown closer to one another through this process. And we have been able to spend these last few weeks of my pregnancy together, making decisions and enjoying each other's company. I can't say that this would be the case in the states and for that I am forever grateful.

Enough for today. I will be back soon. Honest :)

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